They say that the whole is in the parts and the parts are in the whole.

In 2003, at age 24, a sequence of dreams led me to quit my job and take care of myself holistically – more specifically through the Coheressence Method for channeling and meditation, as well as practicing yoga, Osho meditations and, consequently the opening of an organic products business.


These dreams made me go after the living questions inside me: “why am I here in this life?  what is my mission?”


I have a bachelor degree in Foreign Trade Business, and when I approached this new path, I questioned myself about opening up to this universe of what goes beyond the eyes can meet. However, since I started taking steps in this story, I was constantly told that I should never take a step that I wouldn’t have wanted to – and that is what has made me move on.


Thus I’ve opened myself to discover a world hitherto unknown. A path has come to me, leading me to take care of myself, my wounds and, above all, to follow my heart. All courses and trainings I’ve taken were always driven by this inner voice, which wanted to build a new possible reality.


With the channeling, together with Aura-Soma, I experienced a healing on the physical level that reinforced my desire to continue on this path.


Since 2017, I’ve found myself as a therapist: a space has opened up inside me to share what I have been experiencing and studying.


Today I bring with me:

* 15 years as a meditator (Coheressence method meditations – Lilian Gouvea, from Osho and Vipassana)

* 15 years of channeling, and 3+ years of practice offering channeling;

* 14 years of self-care and development with Aura-Soma.


And training in:

* Meditation facilitation via the Osho Meditation Resort;

* Auric code readings by Aura-Soma;

* Facilitation of the Aura-Soma Essentials Course by Aura-Soma Academy – UK;

* Channeling and the Coheressence meditation method by Lilian Gouvea.


This is a part of my whole that I continue to follow, day after day.


From soul to soul